Platteville Public Library Offers Social Stories and Sensory Toolboxes

The Platteville Public Library, 225 W Main St, Platteville (Wis), is proud to introduce Library Social Stories to its collection. Social Stories were originally developed as a tool to help children with autism understand new social environments and experiences. However, their use has broadened as people of all ages and abilities have discovered the value of visual preparation for new experiences. Social Stories can help individuals with autism, ADHD, and/or anxiety–or anyone that may be visiting a new place or trying a new activity–to know what to expect out of their experience.

The Platteville Public Library created two Social Stories to explain what a person will see and hear at the Library; what rules a person is expected to follow; and what the Library offers to do, use, and experience beyond books. The Social Story for Children is for caregivers to use to prepare children for a visit to the Library. The Social Story for Adults allows adults to discover what services and opportunities the Library offers.

The Platteville Public Library’s Social Stories can be found on the Library’s website ( as a slideshow to flip through online and as a PDF to download or print. They have also been printed as hardcover books and can be found on the shelves at the Library for checkout. 

Visitors to the library may also enjoy the new Sensory Toolboxes which contain items that can provide a calming effect, including noise-reducing headphones, a weighted blanket, and various fidget toys to use while visiting the Library.   A copy of Social Story for Children is included in each Sensory Toolbox.  

The Platteville Public Library hopes that the addition of these Social Stories and Sensory Toolboxes will make the Library more welcoming and accessible to everyone!