City of Platteville Winter Water Service Information

Residents of the City of Platteville,

The Water/Sewer department is in the process of updating our records and I am asking for your help. I am currently trying to update our records on which residential buildings use water or have a boiler they use for heat. This information is valuable to the City during the winter months when we have issues with our water mains or a water service and may need to shut down the water main. 

I am asking for you to notify the city if you use water for a boiler system during the winter months by the following:

Phone – 608-348-9741 ext. 2224
Email –
Or you may leave a note when mailing back your payment.

In Addition, The City of Platteville has updated their policy regarding frozen services.

The City of Platteville will follow PSC 185.35 (7) regarding adjustment of bills when a resident will need to run water to prevent freezing. Adjustments for billing will be based on the average of the previous 3 months. 

Adjustments of bills will not occur unless you have contacted the Utility Superintendent, or are told by the Utility Superintendent to run your water to prevent freezing. 

CLICK HERE for information regarding Frozen Water Service Prevention, in addition to PSC 185.88 Frozen Services and PSC 185.35 Adjust of bills.

Thank you for your help,

Ryan Kowalski
Utility Superintendent
Platteville Water & Sewer
75 North Bonson Street – PO Box 780 | Platteville, WI 53818
(608) 778-4701 |