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City Manager

“The training wheels are off,” “The honeymoon is over,” and “Drinking from the firehose” are some of the many idioms associated with both entering a new leadership position and trying to compose a witty hook line for an article.
The City Manager is the Chief Executive Officer of the City and provides management and supervision of the City organization under the control of the Common Council. The City Manager provides direction to the Department Heads in accordance with policies established by the Common Council and ensures that the City operations are conducted in an economic, efficient and effective manner.
Specific responsibilities of the City Manager include:
During the majority of 2020, the City of Platteville has been going down the phases of creating a strategic plan for 2021-2023. This process kickstarted in the months of July and August where staff reviewed other strategic plans created around Wisconsin to compare a variety of themes, objectives, and initiatives. After reviewing a variety of factors City Staff met and developed several city/department goals they would like to see occur over the next three years. City Staff and the Common Council also reviewed the community strengths from the previous strategic plan and identified new com
Platteville is an outstanding place to locate or expand your business. Our economic clusters include agriculture, manufacturing, education, technology, healthcare and renewable energy. In addition, Platteville serves as a retail center for the southwest portion of Wisconsin and regional tourism destination.
The purpose of this statement is to articulate the City’s commitment to and role in achieving a common vision of equity, diversity and inclusion. This statement will be utilized by staff, board, committee and Council members to provide a framework to continually review policies, ordinances, guidelines, and procedures to ensure they are responsive to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion, and other individual identities.
Employee/Volunteer/Elected Officials Working Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement
How can I become a member of a board or commission?
Appointments to the City's boards, commissions or committees are made by the Council President and subject to confirmation by the Common Council. In most cases, applicants must be residents of the City of Platteville.
When applying for membership of boards, commissions or committees, applicants should review Wisconsin Statutes 19.59 to determine if the applicant would have a conflict of interest. Assistance from the City Attorney is available if applicants have questions regarding potential conflicts. Additional Information can be found here.
Category: City Manager
How can I run for a Common Council position?
There are several qualifications necessary to run for a common council position, such as being a resident of the city of Platteville. For a full run down of the necessary qualifications and the necessary steps to run for a position, please go here.
Category: City Manager
How can I voice my opinion on an issue before the Common Council?
When attending a Common Council meeting, if a person would like to voice an opinion about an issue on the agenda for the day there is a form to be filled out. This is usually addressed at the beginning of every Common Council meeting.
Category: City Manager
How can I volunteer for a position on a Board or Commission?
Generally speaking, a person should contact a representative from the board or commission they are interested in volunteering for. Contact information should be located on the Platteville.org website. Additional information on volunteering can be found here.
Category: City Manager
Who is the Platteville City Manager?
Adam Ruechel, to contact him by phone dial 608-348-1821 or email - citymanager@platteville.org.
Category: City Manager