Public Works Home

Public Works

The City of Platteville's Public Works Department manages, directs, and provides technical support and administration for city and utility construction projects, mapping, GIS data, snow removal, weed cutting, storm water sewer management, solid waste and recycling,  Water and Sewer Utility management, support and construction.


Spring Clean-Up

The City of Platteville annual Spring Clean-up will be held on Monday, April 7 and Tuesday, April 8, 2025, with pick up the same day as your normal refuse collection. Items must be placed neatly at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the day of pick up.  Questions can be directed to the Public Works Department at (608) 348-9741.

Winter Maintenance


Municipal ordinance states that all sidewalks shall be cleared of snow and ice within 36 hours after the end of a snow event.  The Director of Public Works may direct staff to clear the sidewalks.  Clearing will start after consideration has been given to local conditions (amount of snowfall, street conditions, weather reports, etc.).

Platteville Bus
The Platteville Public Transportation System offers both bus and taxi services: 

In 2025, The Platteville Public Bus system will have one route - the Academic Orange Route.  UW-Platteville students ride for free by swiping their ID, and all other rides are $2 per ride or $40/ month for an unlimited ride pass.  Riders may purchase two months and get the third free. 

For application applicablity refer to the City of Platteville Municipal Code Chapter 47 section 47.04

Storm Water Management Plans shall be submitted to the City of Platteville Department of Public Works

For better understanding of the permitting process, please refer to Municipal Code Chapter 47 section 47.08

Greenwood Cemetery

The City of Platteville maintains two cemeteries: Greenwood and Hillside.

Greenwood Cemetery is near Campus at the intersection of Greenwood Avenue and College Drive.  It is approximately 22 acres and has roughly 4052 grave spaces remaining.  There are over 1500 spaces for cremains as well. 

Hillside Cemetery is on the south side of Platteville east of Highway 80/81.  There are about 1054 grave spaces available. Access to Calvary Cemetery is through the driveway to Hillside Cemetery. Calvary Cemetery is operated and maintained by the Catholic Church.