City of Platteville Compost Site

City Compost Site Hours Graphic

Compost Site Policy

Compost Site:  The location at 1670 Stumptown Road, owned by the City of Platteville.

Brush: shall include tree limbs and bushes less than 8” in diameter but more than ½ inch and tree limbs and woody stems less than ½ inch and inconvenient to bag.

Yard Waste: shall include, but not be limited to, grass clippings, holiday trees, leaves, brush clippings, branches less than ½” in diameter and two (2) feet in length, weeds and garden debris.  Other materials not specified but may be included if suitable for compost and approved by the Director of Public Works.

Commercial Service:  This includes any for hire service for lawn maintenance, tree maintenance, tree removal or similar service as defined by the City of Platteville.

Responsibilities:  The City of Platteville Compost Site is operated by the Street Division of the Public Works Department. 

The Street Superintendent, under the direction of the Director of Public Works is responsible for all activities on this site.

The City Forester provides advisory services for maintenance and removal of trees on public property and provides budgetary support for volume reduction (chipping/grinding) of brush.

Purpose:  The purpose of this policy is to ensure that residents of the City of Platteville may enjoy disposal service of Brush and Yard Waste while limiting non-residential access to the Compost Site.

Policy:  It is the policy of the City of Platteville to limit access to the Compost site to eligible residents, staff and approved outside agencies. 

Commercial Services: Commercial Services may only use this Compost Site for disposal of Brush or Yard Waste from City of Platteville residents only and only after issuance of a permit and payment of the Permit Fee.  Such fee to be established from time to time by the City Administration. 

Commercial Permits: The Platteville City Compost Site now requires all contractors that use the site to obtain and display a permit. These charges are necessary to control the amount of unacceptable material that is turning up at our compost sites.  Please see attached.

UW-Platteville, and other approved governmental agencies, for the purposes of this policy will be considered Commercial Service and shall be issued a Permit upon request. The Permit Sticker shall be displayed per commercial requirements.

Monitoring: To limit unauthorized use, there are cameras monitoring the Compost Site for possible violations of this Policy. Any Platteville Citizen or Platteville Staff member may alert the Director of Streets of a possible violation, and the Director shall follow up with proper protocol for further investigation of the potential violation.

Hours of Operation:
Compost Site is open Monday – Friday, 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM and Saturday 7:00 AM to Noon except City of Platteville Holidays, for the Citizens of Platteville and City Compost Permitted Commercial Contractors. 

All other times are by appointment only made with the Street Superintendent 608-348-8828.

For urgent issues please call the City of Platteville Police Dispatch at 608-348-2313

Effective Date: 01/01/2025

First Offense: A $300 fine and written Warning of Trespassing by Public Works Director.

Second Offense: Will be reported as Trespassing to the Grant County Sheriff and a minimum a $500 fine shall be applied.

 Subsequent Offenses: Will be reported as Trespassing to the Grant County Sheriff with a minimum of a $1000 fine.

All commercial vehicles that will be using the site must be registered and have a vehicle permit sticker display in the lower right hand front windshield. The permit fee for 2025 shall be $10 for each vehicle registered.

Commercial Services may only use this Compost Site for disposal of Brush or Yard Waste  from   City of Platteville residents only and only after issuance of a Permit and payment of the Permit Fee. ALL USERS AGREE TO HOLD THE CITY OF PLATTEVILLE AND AGENTS THEREOF HARMLESS FOR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURIES INCURRED DURING USE OF THE SITE.