Documents, Reports, and Presentations

Title Attachments
2013 City and Town of Platteville Comprehensive Plan
2014 City Zoning Map
2015 Zoning Map
2016 Budget and 2016-2020 CIP
2017 Budget and 2017-2021CIP
2017 City Manager's Budget Presentation
2018 Budget Book
2019 Budget Book
2020 Budget Book
2021 Budget Book
2021 City Manager Budget and CIP
2022 Budget Book
2022 Budget Timeline
2022 City Manager Budget and CIP
2023 Budget
2023 Budget Book
2023 City Manager Budget and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
2023 Initial Roll Book - City of Platteville
2024 Budget and CIP
2024 Budget Book
2025 Budget Schedule
Administration Fee Schedule
Annual Reports
Applications for Wisconsin Alcohol Beverage and Tobacco
Bicycle Map 2016
Board of Review Notice
Boards, Commissions and Committees Handbook
Broske Center Policy Book
Building Inspection Fee Schedule
Capital Improvement Plans
Chapter 42 Platteville Municipal Airport Overlay Zoning
City Goals
City of Platteville Organizational Chart
Development Ordinances and Maps
District & Ward Maps
Downtown Business Demographics and Opportunities
Downtown Progress Brochure
Downtown Revitalization Plan
Fire Department Comprehensive Analysis
Fire Department Fee Schedule
Floodplain Zoning
Guide for Property Owners
Historic Rehabilitation Guidelines and Laws
Innovation Center
Library Fee Schedule
Local Historic Districts & Properties
Museums Fee Schedule
News Releases, Police Logs, and Monthly Stats
Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Plan
Parks & Recreation Fee Schedule
