City Cemeteries

Greenwood Cemetery

The City of Platteville maintains two cemeteries: Greenwood and Hillside.

Greenwood Cemetery is near Campus at the intersection of Greenwood Avenue and College Drive.  It is approximately 22 acres and has roughly 4052 grave spaces remaining.  There are over 1500 spaces for cremains as well. 

Hillside Cemetery is on the south side of Platteville east of Highway 80/81.  There are about 1054 grave spaces available. Access to Calvary Cemetery is through the driveway to Hillside Cemetery. Calvary Cemetery is operated and maintained by the Catholic Church.

View our Storymap which highlights some of the history of our City and the Cemeteries. You can also submit short stories about loved ones buried in the Cemetery. You are limited to 200 characters and only one story per burial space. Staff reviews all information submitted before the story appears on the Storymap. The review process is completed on a weekly basis.

Spring Clean-up of Hillside and Greenwood Cemeteries will begin on Monday, April 7, 2025Please remove any flowers or decorations by Sunday, April 6, 2025.  During clean-up, cemetery personnel will discard any flowers or decorations remaining after April 6, 2025.  Flowers and decorations may again be placed after Friday, April 11, 2025.

Flowers and decorations should be placed on either end of the headstone and not in front. This allows access for equipment to maintain and dig future graves. Rules of the cemetery are posted at each entrance to the cemeteries.

Rules and Guidelines for City-Owned Cemeteries:

1. No trees or shrubs or ground displays are to be planted or established.
2. Artificial and cut flowers are permitted if clamped to the monument, or on a one-legged stand directly over the monument, or in a non-breakable container adjacent to the side of the monument. No glass containers are to be used in the cemetery.
3. Flowers may be planted at the side of monuments.
4. All floral urns must be placed at the side of monuments.
5. No new monuments shall be erected that are larger than the largest monument in that section of the cemetery.
6. The City reserves the right to remove or dispose of any unsightly arrangements.
7. Cleanup days – first week in April. All floral and memorial displays are to be removed prior to cleanup.

Full Grave (4.5” x 10) – $850.00
Cremation (30” by 30”) Greenwood – new section only – $625.00

BURIALS: (Effective January 1, 2023)
Full Grave Weekdays – $850.00

Full Grave Weekends/Holidays/After hours* – $1,300.00

Infant Grave Everyday – $400.00

Infant Grave Weekends/Holidays/After hours - $450.00

Cremation Grave Weekdays – $600.00

Cremation Grave Weekends/Holidays/After hours - $825.00

** Additional Fee for all Grave Openings between November 1 – March 31     $300.00 **        

Monument marking fee - Per monument/stone - Billed to the monument company - $50.00

City shall purchase sell-able graves per space – $125.00

*Afterhours would include and graveside services beginning outside of the hours of 7am to 3:30pm, Monday - Friday

Option #1:
A full or traditional burial (Vault & Casket) in one grave space

Option #2:
A full or traditional burial PLUS two cremations in one grave space but only ONE headstone.

Option #3:
Four cremations in one grave space, but only ONE headstone.


These burial spaces are 30” x 30”.  Any markers must be flush with the ground.  Flowers will be allowed only in vases mounted on top of markers.

There can be one cremation per space.  If purchasing two connecting grave lots, there can be a combined flush-mounted market that can be used between the two grave spaces.


Adopted 1/1/2024 by the Common Council