Brush & Yard Waste

Yard Waste Disposal


Yard waste is to be placed in the $1.00 Platteville bags and laid at the curb for pick-up on Thursdays. Yard waste includes leaves, weeds and yard raking & clippings. The clear, recyclable Platteville bags can be purchased at City Hall, Heiser Hardware and Piggly Wiggly. 


The policy for the wood chipper is to circle the City of Platteville the week of the first and third Monday of the month.  The wood chipper will only circle the town ONCE.  There will be no second trip around town.  It is imperative to have your brush/limbs out early because once the chipper has gone by, it will not return until the next scheduled week.

The wood chipper can take limbs up to 12 inches in diameter and as ­long as possible; long enough so that no more than two people are needed to pull it from the curb to the chipper.

Brush and limbs MUST be placed at the curb with the cut end toward the curb and stacked in a neat and orderly fashion.  Larger limbs should be grouped together and placed separately from the smaller brush piles.

Brush piles that are mixed or thrown every which way will not be picked up until they are piled correctly.


The City of Platteville Street Department will have the leaf machine in operation for the autumn pick-up beginning mid-October until the weather prohibits leaf machine use.  Any yard waste accumulated after that date will need to be placed in City of Platteville dollar bags that can be purchased in the City Hall Finance office.  Residents should rake leaves to the curb and not in the gutter. 

Any questions, please contact the City of Platteville Street Department at 608-348-8828.