City Staff, Council Leadership and Platteville Police Department to Host Community Dialogue Session at the Broske Center

The City of Platteville is launching a series of community dialogue sessions to coincide with regularly scheduled City Board/Commission/Committee meetings. The goals of these dialogue sessions are to bring further awareness to the community about the purpose of each Board/Committee/Commission, to encourage community members to apply to serve as a member and/or attend meetings, and to allow opportunity for community members to ask questions, to make comments, and to express concerns in an open forum.

The first community dialogue session will take place on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 6:00 p.m. at the Broske Center in Legion Park.  This particular session will discuss policing and will encourage more communication, engagement and dialogue between the City, Platteville Police Department, and the community.  

While City Manager Adam Ruechel, Police Chief Doug McKinley and Council President Barb Daus will host the meeting, Platteville resident Kecia King has volunteered to facilitate the dialogue session.  Additionally, members of the Police and Fire Commission as well as members of the Common Council will also be present. 

All community members are welcome to attend this facilitated community dialogue.  After a welcome statement, the facilitator will start the session with recommendations, followed by attendees taking turns to speak.

Attendees and speakers will be given the option to identify themselves before speaking, and/or by using a nametag.  A comment/suggestion/question box will be placed at the entrance for those wishing to share without speaking during the dialogue.  The facilitator will read the contents of the box out loud at the end of the session.

Please be reminded that attendees will be asked to use COVID-19 precautions, and therefore are recommended to wear a mask, will be asked to hand-sanitize, and asked to maintain six-feet of distance.