Strategic Plan Community Dialogue Session to be held Tuesday, August 4

Community Dialogue Session graphic

The Community Dialogue Session regarding the City of Platteville Strategic Plan 2020-2023 will be held Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. 

Ron Brisbois, Grant County Economic Development Director has volunteered to facilitate this session. The format of the session will consist of the facilitator asking each attendee to respond to the following questions.
- What would you like to see the city accomplish/achieve in the first six months of 2021?
- What would you like to see the city accomplish/achieve in the next 3 years?
- If money was no object and you had a magic wand, what would you like to see the city accomplish/achieve?

Attendees may choose to observe only, however all will be given the opportunity to respond. Those wishing to respond will be given 3 minutes to respond to each question.

Join in person at City Hall in the Council Chambers, or via Zoom (see details below).

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 8461 6193
Passcode: 018801

Connect by phone:
        888 475 4499 US Toll-free
        877 853 5257 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 859 8461 6193
Passcode: 018801

Community Dialogue Sessions
The City of Platteville is launching a series of community dialogue sessions to coincide with regularly scheduled City Board/Commission/Committee meetings. The goals of these dialogue sessions are to bring further awareness to the community about the purpose of each Board/Committee/Commission, to encourage community members to apply to serve as a member and/or attend meetings, and to allow opportunity for community members to ask questions, to make comments, and to express concerns in an open forum.

Attendees and speakers will be given the option to identify themselves before speaking, and/or by using a nametag if attending in person. A comment/suggestion/question box will be placed at the Council Chambers entrance for those wishing to share without speaking during the dialogue. Additionally, Zoom participants may request to speak and share questions or comments by utilizing the chat feature and contacting the Zoom meeting host.

Please be reminded that in-person attendees will be asked to use COVID-19 precautions, and therefore are recommended to wear a mask, will be asked to hand-sanitize, and asked to maintain six-feet of distance.