City of Platteville Trick or Treat 2020

Trick or Treating hours in the City of Platteville will be 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 31st.

In light of concerns related to the Coronavirus, the following safety measures are recommended:

• Since Trick-or-Treating happens outdoors, if household members stick together, travel in as small of a group as possible, and distance themselves from others; it can be done reasonably and safely.

• Health professionals still recommend children 5 years of age and older to wear masks, even outdoors for added safety. Those handing out treats and those trick-or-treating will have face-to-face exposures. Wearing masks will help protect everyone.

• At home, it is recommended that one designated person (best if an adult) hand out candy and do not leave the bowl out for kids to dig through.

• All treats you plan to hand out should be individually wrapped and store bought.

• Use hand sanitizer. Whether handing out candy or going door to door for trick-or-treating, use hand sanitizer. It is recommended to use it multiple times throughout the night.