
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
16-19 Amending the 2016 Fee Schedule - Temporary Signs Mon 9/26/16 Link
16-18 Approving the Platteville Main Street, Inc. Wireless Project Tue 8/23/16 Link
16-17 Amending Resolution 16-14 Conditional Use Permit - 75/95 N Second St Tue 7/26/16 Link
16-16 Application for Exemption From the Levyof any County Library Tax Tue 8/9/16 Link
16-15 2015 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report Tue 6/28/16 Link
16-14 Approving a Conditional Use Permit - 75/95 N Second St Tue 5/24/16 Link
16-13 Resolution Awarding the Sale of $2,520,000 General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 20164 Tue 5/10/16 Link
16-12 Designation of Official Newspaper Tue 4/19/16 Link
16-11 Designation of Public Depositories Tue 4/19/16 Link
16-10 Resolution Providing for the Sale of $2,540,000 General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2016A Tue 4/12/16 Link
16-09 Resolution Directing Publication of Notice to Electors Tue 4/12/16 Link
16-08 Initial Resolution Authorizing $54O,OOO General Obligation Bonds of the City of Platteville for Fire Department Equipment Tue 4/12/16 Link
16-07 Initial Resolution Authorizing $985,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City of Platteville for Street Improvement Project Tue 4/12/16 Link
16-06 Initial Resolution Authorizing $205,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City of Platteville for Storm Sewer Projects Tue 4/12/16 Link
16-05 Initial Resolution Authorizing $810,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City of Platteville for Projects in Tax Incremental District No. 7 Tue 4/12/16 Link
16-04 Support for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant 2016-2020 Tue 4/12/16 Link
16-03 Approving a Conditional Use Permit - 1100 E Mineral St Tue 2/23/16 Link
16-02 City of Platteville Fee Schedule Tue 1/26/16 Link
16-01 Partially Discontinue a Street - part of Jones St Tue 1/12/16 Link
15-33 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Awarding the Sale of $3,790,000 Taxable General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds Series 2015B Tue 12/8/15 Link
15-32 Official Appointment of City Assessor Tue 12/8/15 Link
15-31 Resolution Appointing Election Officials for years 2016-2017 Tue 12/8/15 Link
15-30 Transportation Investment Coalition Tue 11/24/15 Link
15-29 Resolution Approving a Conditional Use Permit Tue 11/24/15 Link
15-28 Resolution Authorizing the Salaries and Rates of Pay of the Officers and Permanent Employees, Excluding Union and Library Personnell and City Manager, for the Year 2016. Tue 11/24/15 Link
