Land Division - Certified Survey Map


Certified Survey Map (CSM) Approval Process:


Step 1: Pre-application Staff Meeting

Although not required, it is recommended that the applicant meet with the Community Planning & Development Director to discuss the proposed request.  This step is intended to explain to the applicant the purpose and objectives of the regulations and the comprehensive plan, and to informally reach mutual conclusions regarding the general program and objectives of the proposed development.

Step 2:  File Application Materials

The applicant submits a completed application form, the proposed CSM, other necessary materials, and a $250 application fee.  Upon receipt of the necessary materials, the Zoning Coordinator will place the item on the agenda for the Plan Commission.  The application deadline for getting on the Plan Commission meeting agenda is twenty (20) working days prior to the meeting. The Plan Commission meets on the first Monday of the month, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of City Hall. 

Step 3:  Staff Review

City staff, including representatives of various city departments and divisions as needed, will provide a technical review of the request and the submitted information to identify relevant issues.  If extensive changes are required or more information is needed to adequately review the application (e.g. additional plans or engineering studies), the application may be rescheduled to a later Planning Commission meeting date to allow time for the necessary work to be completed.  If deficiencies are minor, the item will be scheduled for a Planning Commission meeting, subject to revised plans being submitted at a later date.

Step 4:  Public Notice

City Staff shall give written notice to owners of land within one-hundred (100) feet of the subject property at least ten (10) days prior to the Plan Commission meeting. 

Step 5:  Plan Commission Action

The Map shall be reviewed by the Plan Commission for conformance with the subdivision ordinance, zoning ordinance, the comprehensive plan, and all other ordinances that affect it.  The applicant should attend this meeting and be prepared to present the request and answer questions from the Plan Commission.  Public statements will be allowed at this meeting.    The Plan Commission shall, within forty-five (45) days from the date of filing of the Map either approve, conditionally approve or reject said Map.  If the Map is rejected, the reasons therefore shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting and a written statement forwarded to the subdivider.  If the Map is approved, the Plan Commission shall cause the City Clerk to so certify on the face of the original Map and return same to the subdivider.

If the Certified Survey Map includes the dedication of land for a street right-of-way, park, or other public purpose, then the map will also need to be approved by the Common Council. 

Step 6:  Recording of CSM

The subdivider shall record the Certified Survey Map with the County Register of Deeds within thirty (30) days of its approval by the Plan Commission and shall file three (3) true copies of said Map with the City.