Eastman Cartwright Donates $5,000 To New Platteville Fire Facility Project

Pictured: Mike LeGrand and Melissa Lovell

Thank you, Eastman Cartwright for your $5,000.00 donation to the New Platteville Fire Facility project!

Eastman Cartwright staff shared, "A little by many can go a long way. Just a big thank you to our local fire people who donate their time and efforts. They are there in our time of need to help keep us be as safe as possible. Giving back to our community. Helping to provide our fire people with the cleaning equipment they need to keep the hazardous products they get into, from going back to their households and families."

To keep up-to-date on the progress of this project, please visit https://www.platteville.org/fire/page/proposed-new-platteville-fire-station-project.

Those interested in making contributions may send checks to Inspiring Community, Inc., PO Box 503, Platteville WI 53818 and note “Fire Station” on the memo line. Inspiring Community Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is partnering with the Platteville Fire Department Inc, the City of Platteville, and the townships of Belmont, Elk Grove, Ellenboro, Harrison, Lima, Platteville and Smelser to enable contributions that are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Donations to the fire facility can be made to:
Inspiring Community, Inc.
190 Market St, PO Box 503
Platteville, WI 53818