
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
23-21 Awarding the Sale of $1,210,000 General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2023A Tue 6/27/23 Link
23-20 2022 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report Tue 6/27/23 Link
23-19 Authorizing Resolution Relating to the City of PV Participating in the WI Economic Development Corporation's Community Development Investment Grant Program Tue 6/27/23 Link
23-18 Application For Exemption From the Levy of any County Library Tax Tue 6/13/23 Link
23-17 Providing for the Sale of $1,230,000 General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2023A Tue 5/23/23 Link
23-16 Directing Publication of Notice to Electors Relating to Bond Issue Tue 5/23/23 Link
23-15 Initial Resolution Authorizing $40,000 General Obligation Bonds for Equipment of the Fire Department Tue 5/23/23 Link
23-14 Initial Resolution Authorizing $230,000 General Obligation Bonds for a Building for the Housing of Machinery and Equipment Tue 5/23/23 Link
23-13 Initial Resolution Authorizing $140,000 General Obligation Bonds for Parks and Public Grounds Projects Tue 5/23/23 Link
23-12 Initial Resolution Authorizing $820,000 General Obligation Bonds for Street Improvement Projects Tue 5/23/23 Link
23-11 Authorizing the City Manager of the City of Platteville to Submit Applications to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) for the 2023 Safe Transportation Alternatives for Rural Schools (STARS) Award Cycle Tue 5/23/23 Link
23-10 DNR Trail Grant Phase 3 Tue 5/9/23 Link
23-09 DNR Trail Grant Phase 2 Tue 5/9/23 Link
23-08 DNR Trail Grant Phase 1 Tue 5/9/23 Link
23-07 Authorizing the Issuance & Sale of Up to $1,330,116 W&S System Revenue Bonds, Series 2023, & Providing for Other Details & Covenants with Respect Thereto Tue 5/9/23 Link
23-06 Approving a Conditional Use Permit Tue 4/25/23 Link
23-05 Designation of Official Newspaper Tue 4/18/23 Link
23-04 Approving a Conditional Use Permit Tue 3/28/23 Link
23-03 Urging Legislature and Governor to Fix Broken System of Funding Critical Local Services Tue 2/28/23 Link
23-02 Authorizing Resolution Relating to City of Platteville Participating in WI Economic Development Corporation's Community Development Investment Grant Program Tue 2/14/23 Link
23-01 Discontinue a Street Tue 1/10/23 Link
22-28 Taxi and Bus Fares 2023 Tue 12/13/22 Link
22-27 Authorizing the Salaries and Rates of Pay of Employees for the Year 2-23 Tue 11/22/22 Link
22-26 Appropriating the Necessary Funds for the Operation and Administration of the City of Platteville for Year 2023 Tue 11/22/22 Link
22-25 Discontinue a Street Tue 11/22/22 Link
