
Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
21-14 Initial Resolution Authorizing $150,000 General Obligation Bonds for Sewerage Projects Tue 7/13/21 Link
21-13 Initial Resolution Authorizing $1,860,000 General Obligation Bonds for Street Improvement Projects Tue 7/13/21 Link
21-12 Repeal of Resolution 21-02 and Re-Creation of Updates to the Functional Classification of Streets in Platteville Tue 7/13/21 Link
21-11 2020 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report Tue 6/22/21 Link
21-10 Approving a Conditional Use Permit Tue 6/22/21 Link
21-09 Requesting Wisconsin State Legislature Strengthen ATV/UTV Statute Requirements Tue 6/8/21 Link
21-08 Approving a Conditional Use Permit - 130 Market Street Tue 5/25/21 Link
21-07 Support For a Strong State & Local Partnership Shared Revenue Funds Critical Services Tue 4/20/21 Link
21-06 Designation of Official Newspaper Tue 4/20/21 Link
21-05 Approving a Development Agreement and Authorizing the Sale of Land Tue 3/23/21 Link
21-04 Approving a Conditional Use Permit Tue 3/23/21 Link
21-03 Creating a Taskforce of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (TIDE) Tue 2/9/21 Link
21-02 Approval of Updates to the Functional Classification of Streets in Platteville Tue 1/12/21 Link
21-01 Approving a Conditional Use Permit Tue 1/12/21 Link
20-31 Declaration of Emergency Tue 12/15/20 Link
20-30 2021 Fee Schedule Tue 12/15/20 Link
20-29 Authorizing the Salaries and Rates of Pay of Employees for the Year 2021 Tue 11/24/20 Link
20-28 Appropriating the Necessary Funds for the Operation and Administration of the City of Platteville for the Year 2021 Tue 11/24/20 Link
20-27 Supporting Funding from Grant County CDBG-Close Funds to Support Mining & Rollo Jamison Museums 1905 Hanmer Robbins Roof Replacement Tue 11/10/20 Link
20-26 Authorize Issuance and Establish Parameters for the Sale not to Exceed $1,495,000 Water & Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2020C, of the City of Platteville and Providing for the Payment of the Bonds and other Details Tue 10/27/20 Link
20-25 Declaration of Emergency Tue 10/13/20 Link
20-24 Designating October 2020 as United Nations Month Tue 9/22/20 Link
20-23 Strongly Urging the Wearing of Face Coverings in Platteville and Requiring the Use of Face Masks in Municipal Buildings Tue 8/25/20 Link
20-22 Awarding the Sale of $1,170,000 General Obligation Street Improvement Bonds, Series 2020B Tue 8/25/20 Link
20-21 2019 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report Tue 7/28/20 Link
