Debi Sigwarth, Administrative Assistant to Parks & Recreation and Public Works

Photo of Debi Sigwarth

As you can imagine by the title, this is a variety filled position. I never have the same day twice.  On the Parks & Recreation side of things, one of my favorite jobs is registering kids for summer soccer and swim lessons, and passes for the swimming pool.  I love to interact with the families and get them set up for a fun and active summer.  As the Public Works Administrative Assistant, I provide support for several different departments and serve as a conduit for the public, answering their questions or getting them in touch with the right person.  It’s always a great feeling when you can solve a problem for a resident. 

I’ve got a great group of co-workers here at City Hall and around town as well.  It makes a big difference and I’m really happy to work alongside everyone.  

Platteville is my hometown. I know so many of the families that live here and use the services.  I’m happy to do my part to keep Platteville running smoothly and efficiently to make it the best place to live, work and play. 

My first year will be over in early January 2019. A large portion of my job is dependent on the weather and the season, so every three months I start different programs and have new daily or weekly tasks. These first 12 months have been full of questions and learning the ins and outs of how the city functions, so I’m excited to get to the beginning of the year again to start programs that I have dealt with before.