Temporary Class "B"/"Class B" Retailer's License Application (Picnic License)

Please Note:  The State of Wisconsin Department of Revenue has created new applications. These must be submitted to the clerk's office 15 days before the next Council meeting. 

Allows for the retail sale of fermented malt beverages and/or wine to consumers at a picnic, meeting, or similar gathering of limited duration. Licenses may be issued only to "bona fide clubs, churches, lodges or societies that have been in existence for at least six months, and to veterans organizations. Examples include church festivals, Chamber of Commerce functions, etc. An agent must be named for the event, please fill out the Appointment of Agent and a Individual Questionnaire for every officer, director, and agent along with the application below. 

Applications must be filed 15 days prior to the governing bodies approval. The proceeds of the sale of alcohol should substantially benefit the applicant organization.

$10 per event, $7 background check fee (for every officer, director, and agent listed)

AB 220f Picnic Beer/Wine Application

AB 101Appointment of Agent 

AB 100 Individual Questionnaire

City of Platteville Temporary Beer and/or Wine License Information

Wisconsin Liquor Permit listings (Wholesaler list)

DOR Fact Sheet on Alcohol Sales