Sarah Hake, Police Office Coordinator

Photo of Sarah Hake

My position as the Police Office Coordinator sounds vague but it has a lot of variety!  I download video for interviews/booking rooms/downtown cameras, handle training registrations and compliance, submit crime reports to the state, oversee the parking permit program, maintain personnel files, maintain our webpage - including updating the daily news releases, order supplies, approve bills, monitor the budget and assist with budget planning, maintain the parking overdue notice program, provide statistics as needed for meetings, prepare the dispatch schedule, process timecards, prepare our Annual Report….and this is just some of what I do!  

There is so much I like about my job, most importantly, I like everyone I work with.  We have an outstanding department.  I look forward to coming to work and am proud to say I work for the City of Platteville!  

With the ever-changing technology, I am always working to keep up as we update the programs we utilize (or transition to new ones).  Some programs are complex enough that I am still learning what they can do, even though I’ve used them for years.  Since I am in a new position, I utilize our programs in a different way than when I was an Administrative Assistant.  I enjoy learning different aspects of the programs.  Technology is a significant part of everything we do at the police department and I enjoy learning how it can work for us better – from audio/video to communications to records management.