Heavy Snowfall Results in Excess Snow on Sidewalks and in Driveways

With the extreme amount of snow recently, snow piles along the streets are tipping over when trucks are plowing.  This will unfortunately put more snow on sidewalks and in driveways than usual. 

"This is not intentional," stated Street Superintendent Nick Seng.  "It is the nature of getting so much snow in a short amount of time without allowing the snow to settle or firm up.  It is important that crews continue to push the snow all the way to the curb for multiple reasons: To ensure that the streets remain wide enough for cars to park and traffic to pass through; and when the snow melts it has a way to get to the catch basin and not flood the streets. We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause." 

As a friendly reminder, crews ask that removed snow is placed in yards as opposed to the street.