Housing Choice Voucher Waiting list Closed

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - 5:00pm

The Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 Waiting list in and for the City of Platteville, Wisconsin is closed.

The waiting list is closed until further notice as of October 29th, 2024.

The waiting list is closed as the applicants waiting exceed a 12 month period of being able to process for assistance.  This does not change the status of those currently waiting for assistance that have already applied.  No new applications are accepted as of this date.

When the waiting list re-opens (which is not expected in 2025), the notice will be posted at the office of the authority, on the phone message and in the legal notice of the paper of the authority.

Responses will not be made to those inquiring about the opening.  Announcement is made as noted above.


-Platteville Housing Authority Board