Water & Sewer Commission

The Water and Sewer Commission governs the Water and Sewer Department. It has charge of the Water and Sewer utilities, makes rules and regulations governing them and has all other powers generally conferred by state statutes. All of this is subject to the general control and supervision of the Common Council in said statutes.

The Water and Sewer Commission meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 4:00pm in Council Chambers.

The Water and Sewer Commission shall consist of seven members (Four residents of Platteville and three Alderpersons). The members shall be appointed by the President of the Common Council, subject to confirmation of the Common Council. The members shall be appointed for terms of five years. 

To apply simply fill out the Board and Commissions application attached below, stop into the City Clerk's office for a copy or click here for an online form to fill out.

Meeting Information

Commission Members
Name Phone Distinction Term Expiration
Dr. Joanne Wilson (608) 778-1431 Regular Member 10/1/28
Cindy Martens (608) 732-4650 Regular Member 10/1/26
Michael Knautz (608) 778-5305 Regular Member 10/1/29
Jim Schneller (608) 216-6014  Regular Member 10/1/25
Tom Nall (608) 778-7534 Council Representative  
Lynne Parrott (608) 642-2281 Council Representative  
Ken Kilian (608) 348-8479 Council Representative  

Howard Crofoot
Ryan Kowalski
Jeffrey Even

(608) 348-9741 ext. 2240
(608) 348-9741 ext. 2248
(608) 348-9741 ext. 2221
Staff Liaisons