Museum Board

The Museum Board sets policies for all aspects of The Mining & Rollo Jamison Museums relating to maintenance, staffing, public utility, and the disbursements of monies belonging to the Museum Fund.

The Museum Board meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 4:45pm at the Museum.

The Museum Board shall consist of Seven regular; Superintendent of Schools; One Council Representative; Four Residents of Platteville; Friends of The Mining & Rollo Jamison Museums Board Member; Jamison Trustee Representative (ex-officio). The members shall be appointed by the President of the Common Council, subject to confirmation of the Common Council. The members shall be appointed for terms of four years.  

To apply simply fill out the Board and Commissions application attached below, stop into the City Clerk's office for a copy or click here for an online form to fill out.

Meeting Information

Rollo Jamison & Mining Museum Website

Board Members

Name Phone Distinction Term Expiration
Lawrence Bowden (608) 778-4869 Regular Member 7/1/27
Vacant   Regular Member 7/1/28
Brad Brogley (608) 341-7056 Regular Member 7/1/25
Kathleen Connett (660) 815-4730 Regular Member 7/1/26
Tom Nall (608) 778-7534 Council Representative  
Garrett Jones (608) 807-9400 Superintendent of
Schools Representative
Deb Jenny (608) 778-4567 Friends Board President  
Deb McWilliams (608) 348-9480 Jamision Trustee
Cody Grabhorn (608) 348-9741 ext. 2270 Staff Liaison