Platteville Commissions


The Platteville Airport Commission is authorized under Wisconsin Statutes 114.14 and City of Platteville Ordinance 3.15.  The Airport Commission is charged with management of the Platteville Municipal Airport.

The Platteville Municipal Airport has 2 runways.  Runway 15/33 is 4000 feet long.  Runway 7/25 is 3600 feet long.  The airport has 100 LL Aviation Gasoline and Jet-A jet fuel for sale.

The Airport Commission meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00p.m. at the Airport. 

The Commission’s function is to determine the needs of Platteville senior citizens, to create community awareness of these needs, and to develop resources and services to meet these needs. This is accomplished by working with other area agencies and organizations.

The Commission on Aging meets the 4th Monday of the month at 4:30 p.m. at the Senior Center.

***The Commission on Aging is looking for people who are interested in issues concerning those age 50+ of Platteville and are willing to make a difference.***

The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) reviews plans for building projects having an exterior effect within the Platteville Main Street Commercial Historic District , makes plans to the City's Plan Commission and Common Council regarding razing of historic buildings. HPC also educates the public about historic preservation issues and opportunities as well as the heritage of historic resources within the City.

The Plan Commission consists of 7 citizens and two Common Council members. The members shall be appointed by the President of the Common Council, subject to confirmation of the Common Council. The members shall be appointed for terms of three years.  The mission of the Planning Commission is to create and implement Platteville’s long range plan, as well as make recommendations to the Common Council regarding requests for Conditional Use Permits, Planned Unit developments, and changes to the City Zoning Map, among others.

The Police & Fire Commission is responsible for the appointment, promotion, investigation of compliants, determining discipline, and, in some cases, termination of all sworn members of the police and fire departments. In addition, this commission oversees testing for the purposes of establishing eligibility pools of candidates for entry level positions, as well as promotion to the ranks above the entry level positions.

The Police & Fire Commission meet the 1st Tuesday of each month at 5:00pm in the All Purpose Room at the Police Station.

The Water and Sewer Commission governs the Water and Sewer Department. It has charge of the Water and Sewer utilities, makes rules and regulations governing them and has all other powers generally conferred by state statutes. All of this is subject to the general control and supervision of the Common Council in said statutes.

The Water and Sewer Commission meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 4:00pm in Council Chambers.